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Monday 28 March 2016

American Graduate School in Paris

Situated in the focal point of Paris, the American Graduate School in Paris (AGS) offers US advanced education programs, taught in English, to understudies from around the globe. AGS spends significant time in universal relations, tact, and related regions, prompting a wide scope of professions in worldwide undertakings, from government to intergovernmental associations, to NGOs and the private segment. AGS thinks the majority of the characteristics of a top rate training in a private learning environment. 

American Education, French Setting, International Experience 

Situated in the focal point of Paris, the American Graduate School in Paris (AGS) offers US advanced education programs, taught in English, to understudies from around the globe. AGS represents considerable authority in worldwide relations, discretion, and related regions, prompting a wide scope of professions in universal issues, from government to intergovernmental associations, to NGOs and the private area. 

AGS focuses the greater part of the characteristics of a top rate instructive foundation in a close learning environment. 

Situated in the focal point of Paris, the American Graduate School in Paris (AGS) offers US advanced education programs, taught in English, to understudies from around the globe. AGS has practical experience in worldwide relations, tact, and related regions, prompting an expansive scope of vocations in global issues, from government to intergovernmental associations, to NGOs and the private division. 

AGS thinks the majority of the characteristics of a top rate instructive foundation in a cozy learning environment. 


1. Particular ability in International Affairs 

2. Favored presentation to the universal scene in Paris 

3. Worldwide personnel 

4. Multicultural school environment 

5. Customized regard for understudies 

6. Devoted understudy lodging in Paris 

7. Strong establishment and direction for a fruitful global profession 

1. Particular ability in International Affairs 

Instead of stretching out into numerous controls, we have been specialists at what we do. Our solid specialization in the fields of worldwide relations has permitted us to build up our savoir-faire, refine our showing strategies, and impeccable our projects. 

Our aptitude covers a wide exhibit of subjects identified with our main regimens disciplines, permitting our graduates to seek after professions in various segments of worldwide issues. Furthermore, we offer open doors in integral controls through joint projects, double degrees, and concentrate abroad choices with our accomplice establishments in France and globally. These incorporate Alliance Française, Université Paris-Sud, Université de Cergy-Pontoise graduate school, University of Siena, and our primary scholarly accomplice Arcadia University. 

2. Special introduction to the universal scene in Paris 

What better place to study global relations than Paris? With several intergovernmental associations, NGOs, and political missions, and with other EU capitals, for example, Berlin and London only a train ride away, Paris offers access to some the most significant open doors and assets in the field. 

Yet much more than the area of the school, Paris is woven into the projects. Through our notoriety and associations, we give special access to this worldwide scene in Paris through temporary jobs, visitor talks, site visits, and a full date-book of scholastic and get-togethers. These speak to improving encounters, and also phenomenal systems administration opportunities. 

3. Worldwide workforce 

At the center of our ability is our workforce, drawn from everywhere throughout the world and including achieved researchers leading exploration at the cutting edge of their order and in addition experienced experts, for example, previous ministers, senior UN officers, OECD financial analysts, worldwide legal counselors, and NGO chiefs. This differing qualities of profiles brings multiiple points of view on the subjects taught and bolsters our double way to deal with discovering that consolidates thorough scholastic norms with down to earth aptitudes. 

See personnel profiles 

4. Multicultural environment 

Understudies at AGS originate from a wide range of foundations and nations, with more than 50 nationalities spoke to in the understudy body in the course of recent years. This makes for rich dialogs and level headed discussions all through the classroom – an impeccable approach to expand skylines and foster what is at the very heart of the AGS mission: social assorted qualities and trade. 

While originating from such assorted foundations, our understudies all make them thing in like manner: the liberality and out-of-the-container feeling that it takes to set out on the enterprise of examining in an alternate nation and in a global school environment. This makes a solid feeling of group, and numerous fashion long lasting companionships amid their AGS years in Paris. 

5. Customized consideration 

An interesting component of AGS is the exceptionally customized learning environment. Classes have somewhere around five and twenty understudies, permitting educators to commit singular consideration regarding every one and strengthening the intelligent showing techniques for the school. 

As an understudy, you likewise get individual backing from the staff all through your involvement in the system and in Paris, from help with budgetary guide and French organization, to scholastic advising amid your studies. 

6. Committed understudy lodging in Paris 

Not any more long loft looks, no more office charges, not any more terrible shocks. We offer our understudies the choice of leasing a studio in our devoted studenet apartmetnt building. Our lodging is situated in the upscale sixteenth arrondissement, a five-minute stroll to the River Seine, and 30 minutes to class way to-entryway. Extending somewhere around 15 and 35 m2 (165 and 375 sq ft), every studio loft is completely remodeled and outfitted with web, a kitchenette, and all that you'll have to live like a genuine Parisian! 

See more data here. 

7. Strong establishment and direction for a universal vocation 

Each phase of the instructive procedure at AGSis intended to bolster your expert accomplishment: from our educational program, which incorporate hands-on methodologies, to the associations with the expert enclosure in Paris, and the numerous systems administration opportunities that we compose consistently. 

Our projects can be custom-made to fit your specific profession objectives through topical focuses, double degree choices, and temporary position opportunities in one of the numerous intergovernmental associations, NGOs, legislative organizations, or universal enterprises in Paris. 

Furthermore, our vocation bolster administrations assume control with customized direction, resume duplicate altering, work postings, and profession workshops. You are additionally urged to exploit our global system of graduated class, which speaks to an effective wellspring of contacts crossing more than 40 nations all through the world. 

Our Vision 

Peace through Education 

Our Mission 

AGS is a not-revenue driven American organization of higher-learning devoted to giving the information and abilities to understand, research and work in the field of worldwide relations and discretion. Our area in Paris, center point of global relations, empowers AGS to give understudies access to the rich assets of Paris, France and whatever is left of Europe. 

One of our objectives is to shape moral, receptive and balanced residents and pioneers through genuine scholastic work and research 

The nexus between what the practioners like to call 'this present reality' and the scholastic world is always underlined and fortified; the one being crucial to comprehend the other. 

Through the cross-disciplinary educational programs and the differences of our global personnel and understudy body, understudies leave AGS not just having a comprehension and a resilience for the individuals who think, act, feel uniquely in contrast to they do, additionally having what it takes and the compassion expected to discover powerful, worthy answers for worldwide issues. 

AGS trusts those ready to acquire an advanced education need to utilize this benefit shrewdly. To make a world all the more just and compassionate that endeavors to turn away real emergencies and to avoid brutality in every one of its structures. 

History of AGS 

In the Spring of 1993, three Americans in length occupant in Europe, Dr. John Lee, an educator of universal relations, Dr. Arthur Hoffmann, a profession ambassador, and Dr. Joseph Tomchak, likewise a specialist of worldwide relations, reassessed the necessities of graduate understudies who might work in a world very unique in relation to that of the twentieth century finding some conclusion. They chose to set up a school of universal relations and discretion. Their vision was this would be a little authority school with a universal vision and high scholastic principles. It would draw amazing educators who might all be specialists in their field. It would welcome understudies from various societies and give every one individual thought. It would furnish them with the instruments to better comprehend and react to the difficulties of a world in steady advancement. 

The American Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy - officially passing by the short acronym AGS - was enrolled with the French Ministry of Education on January 27th, 1994. It initiated its M.A. in International Relations and Diplomacy in the late spring of 1994, in a classroom in the sixteenth locale of Paris. The five understudies who made up that five star were from five distinct nations : as of now characterizing the worldwide differing qualities that would be the fate of the school. 

From that point forward, AGS has drawn understudies from over the globe - from the USA to Mongolia, from Kuwait to Japan, from Iceland to Madagascar, more than 50 nationalities have been spoken to, with understudies extending from late college graduates to negotiators and different experts looking for professional success - now shaping the universal group of AGS graduated class. 

AGS has additionally built up a system of instructive accomplices to enhance its offering while strengthening its mastery. In 1997, AGS began an association w

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