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Monday 28 March 2016

American University of Paris

In reality as we know it where quickening change and constantly moving individual, social, and monetary associations are the standard, everybody—at any rate once in a while—is an outsider. 

Today's reality requests our capacity to see the world as someone else sees it, regardless of the possibility that we may differ with that individual's thoughts and viewpoints. We should know enough of the world and ourselves to work successfully in an assortment of expert and social settings. We should be happy with living at the edge of our own usual range of familiarity. 

Also, it is just through that solace—that sentiment being at home on the planet—that we can seek after our own aspirations, champion our own particular causes, advance our own particular goals. 

An American-style training in one of the world's most cosmopolitan urban communities 

AUP is itself an uncontrollably effective trial in worldwide, interdisciplinary training. AUP unites all the best components of the American college model—little, talk based classes; a shared relationship in the middle of understudies and staff; an exceptional accentuation on basic thinking and clear correspondence—with the social, social, and expert chances of one of the world's most cosmopolitan urban communities. 

Our own is a scholastic society of engagement, worldwide citizenship, and group. Our central goal and qualities mirror this as we look to cultivate in understudies and personnel alike a basic feeling of duty to a universe of relationship. 

A universal notoriety for fabulousness 

AUP's qualifications are irreproachable. We are certify by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Our employees hail from a percentage of the finest colleges on the planet. Also, we participate in exceptional scholastic organizations with such prestigious establishments as Oxford University, the Université de Paris Sorbonne, and New York City's New School. 

Since our establishing in 1962, we have given a multilingual, multicultural learning environment. Prestigious as a worldwide place for inventive, interdisciplinary exploration, we instruct worldwide natives who take their places as dependable on-screen characters in groups, common social orders, and nations around the globe. 

Our Research Centers address the huge difficulties of our times through understudy/staff coordinated efforts and through conferences with famous researchers from around the world in cross disciplinary zones of Center request: Environmental Science; Critical Democracy Studies; Genocide, Human Rights and Conflict Resolution; and the Center for Writers and Translators. 

Graduated class transforming an extraordinary instruction into world-changing professions 

AUP has more than 16,000 graduates in 142 nations, making our own a standout amongst the most genuinely worldwide graduated class systems on the planet. 86 percent of our understudies are utilized or in doctoral level college inside of one year of graduation. What's more, numerous have gone ahead to authority positions at organizations as various as the Commercial Bank of Kuwait, BASF in Germany, the Jane Goodall Institute in Tanzania, Google in France, the Center Party of Sweden, and the United States Department of Energy. 

Take in more—and go along with us 

To discover more certainties about AUP, our history, and our scholarly projects, we welcome you to investigate our site and become more acquainted with the energizing conceivable outcomes that anticipate you when you join our dynamic worldwide group in Paris. 


Envision a classroom sufficiently little that the educator knows every understudy's name, every understudy's objectives and goals, and most likely every understudy's most loved motion picture. Envision a classroom sufficiently various that practically every understudy originates from an alternate national, social, or monetary foundation, is glad to share his or her remarkable legacy, and is interested to find out about yours. Envision a classroom associated enough that examination and temporary position opportunities at a percentage of the world's most current—and most established—organizations, research centers, social foundations, and political associations are right outside your entryway. Envision a classroom where just about everybody is far from home yet some way or another feels totally at home. That classroom is The American University of Paris. 

Completely certify, mentally difficult scholastic projects 

AUP offers undergrad and graduate degree programs, all in view of the American model of little, talk based classes, close understudy staff association, and an emphasis on basic thinking and clear correspondence. Programs include: 

Undergrad majors, including a self-composed major 

Undergrad minors 

11 graduate projects 

A variety of summer projects and low maintenance study opportunities 

World-class personnel seeking after transnational, interdisciplinary grant 

AUP's employees are energetic about educating yet remain profoundly occupied with their own particular grant. They direct interdisciplinary exploration with associates the world over, distribute papers in driving scholarly diaries, and are effectively looked for as visitor speakers and teachers at such prestigious foundations as Oxford University, the Sorbonne, and the University of Chicago. Best of all, they frequently include understudies in their examination, giving you fantastic arrangement for doctoral level college or post-graduate study. 

Open doors for exploration, temporary jobs, and concentrate abroad 

A successful, balanced instruction amplifies well past the classroom. Notwithstanding directing undergrad research with an employee, you can seek after temporary positions with some of Europe's driving organizations, concentrate abroad at another college, or exploit one of our numerous workforce drove social outings. 

Contact an AUP confirmations instructor to discover more about AUP's one of a kind mix of American-style scholastics, French society, and worldwide engagement. We anticipate got notification from you. 

Statement of purpose 

Sanctioned as a human sciences school in 1962, The American University of Paris is today a urban, free, global college situated at the meeting purpose of France, Europe, and the world. The University gives an understudy focused, vocation empowering, and transformative learning knowledge to the worldwide travelers who are its Bachelor's and Master's understudies, enabling them to cross both disciplinary and social outskirts effortlessly with a specific end goal to accept their places as mindful on-screen characters and pioneers in more than 140 nations around the world. 

AUP's central goal is to teach its graduates to convey successfully in a universe of numerous dialects; to peruse well, listen precisely, and compose shrewdly in their very own voice; to wind up basic scholars about history and human social orders, financial matters, society, writing, expressions of the human experience, science, legislative issues, brain research, business, and correspondence; to create innovative interdisciplinary answers for contemporary worldwide difficulties; to be digitally proficient in a universe of quick paced change; to comprehend the moral objectives of living in such a world; and to move over the social outskirts of the contemporary world with a feeling of duty to and obligation regarding a world held in like manner. 

The University accomplishes its central goal by giving to its understudies an educational programs joining aesthetic sciences request, planning for expert life, and understudy focused, dynamic learning in little classroom settings; alert, connected with instructing educated by both disciplinary and interdisciplinary staff grant; a large group of chances for direct experience of the world and its numerous societies; an abundance of scholarly trades on grounds at meetings of worldwide range; and an incorporated learning show that weds classroom learning and its application to true connections, get ready understudies to ace and to make, to reflect and to apply, to break down and to act. In these ways, an AUP instruction bolsters proficient abilities advancement and social familiarity—the feeling of worldwide engagement and the ability to arrange distinction that rise up out of the common differences of AUP's understudy and staff bodies. Upon graduation, AUP understudies join in and advantage from the worldwide system that is our overall graduated class group, making long lasting associations with each other and to the University. 


By 2020, The American University of Paris plans to be perceived universally as offering the finest and most demographically assorted American instruction in Europe to the worldwide travelers who fit its extraordinary instructive culture and prosper inside of it. That notoriety has its starting points in the progression of the University's main goal over a large portion of a century to offer an understudy focused, transformative instruction in the heart of Paris that pushes understudies to rise above the limits "thin patriotism." AUP's future notoriety will rest upon its great record of graduating worldwide natives who are effective and have sway on the world, and its objective of being a globally perceived site of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and culturally diverse educating, of grant, of imagination, and of scholarly meeting. We will gauge our prosperity by the limit of our staff and understudies to discover engaging answers for the problems that need to be addressed of our times, crossing, as they do, social, regular, social, and phonetic outskirts to do as such.

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