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Monday 28 March 2016

Le Cordon Bleu

Established in Paris in 1895, Le Cordon Bleu is considered today the biggest system of culinary and neighborliness schools on the planet with more than 50 schools in 20 nations and 20,000 understudies of more than 90 nationalities are prepared each year. Le Cordon Bleu consolidates development and inventiveness with custom through its endorsements, recognitions and lone wolves and expert degrees, incorporating an online degree in gastronomic tourism. 

Le Cordon Bleu is an incredibly famous system of instructive organizations committed to giving the largest amount of culinary and accommodation direction through world class programs. 

Le Cordon Bleu keeps on combining so as to advance development and innovativeness with custom through the foundation of Bachelor's and Master's degrees in business that attention on the requests of a developing universal neighborliness industry. 

Through our universal staff of Master Chefs and industry experts, Le Cordon Bleu applies its unmistakable showing strategy where understudies pick up experience through hands-on learning. 

Le Cordon Bleu is thought to be the watchman of French culinary strategy through its culinary projects that keep on protecting and go on the authority and valuation for the culinary expressions that have been the foundation of French gastronomy for more than 500 years. 

Our Story 

Throughout the most recent century Le Cordon Bleu has seen altering change as we have developed from a Parisian cooking school to a worldwide system of culinary expressions and cordiality establishments. Our rationality of accomplishing fabulousness through consistent practice and refinement continues as before, even as we develop to address the issues of the contemporary culinary and cordiality commercial enterprises. 

In under one year, it is conceivable to acquire Le Grand Diplôme Le Cordon Bleu, which is perceived worldwide by culinary experts; it is the global visa to a remunerating and satisfying profession. At Le Cordon Bleu, we perceive that our understudies require a prevalent, balanced instruction keeping in mind the end goal to succeed in today's focused world and we give them the apparatuses to exceed expectations in less time than most other instructive foundations. 

While our principle center at Le Cordon Bleu is advanced education, we have taken exceptional enthusiasm for people in general domain also. We offer numerous fine eateries and additionally various pastry kitchens and cafés under the Le Cordon Bleu trademark. Also, we have extended our exercises to incorporate different instructive media, for example, culinary productions, instructional recordings, TV arrangement, cooking gear and a great deal more. Besides, Le Cordon Bleu is regularly asked for as an admonitory specialist and is requested that take part in more than 50 worldwide occasions, sharing our skill around the world. Our advantaged organizations and enunciation concurrences with different governments, colleges and culinary affiliations have permitted us to advance French Art de Vivre around the world. 


For over a century, Le Cordon Bleu has empowered trying culinary experts to transform their desire into reality. Albeit numerous Le Cordon Bleu understudies as of now have some culinary experience, a huge number originate from different scholastic controls and expert foundations. Some are hoping to begin another profession, and others are hoping to consolidate their hobbies or development in their present occupation. Our understudies make progress toward effective professions in a wide assortment of fields, including eatery kitchens, providing food, eatery and lodging administration, news-casting, counseling, nourishment administration, sustenance styling, and instruction. 

La Boutique 

La Boutique offers an expansive scope of the best quality items chose by Le Cordon Bleu Chefs. These items will please everybody, from the intermittent taste-analyzer to the accomplished luxurious gourmet. We offer instructive books and recordings, fine kitchenware and an assortment of sustenance items which mirror the flavor and development of the French Art de Vivre. Share your energy for good nourishment and fine living with Le Cordon Bleu! 

The focuses granted to every foundation for the greater part of the 500 CEOs are then included, in order to arrange the scope of establishments having added to the graduate 

preparing of one or a few CEOs of the 500 organizations recorded by Fortune Global 500. 

The University of Karlsruhe got 1½ guides thanks to a limited extent toward the CEO of Robert Boasch, Franz Fehrenbach (1 point) and, also, to the CEO of Daimler Chrysler, 

Weight watcher Zetsche (½ point). 

Examination of results 

In 2008, the 500 organizations of Fortune Global 500 were controlled by 506 individuals (six organizations had two pioneers). We could get data on the advanced education 

vocation of 475 of the 506 CEOs. For the other 31 (i.e. 6.1% of the aggregate number), it was impractical to reconstitute any part of their scholarly vocation. For seven 

Presidents, the evaluation was just incomplete. In conclusion, 12 CEOs had not sought after any advanced education concentrates on. The aftereffects of this scholastic profession profile are recorded in point of interest 

under section 6. 

This year, at the end of the day, it has not been conceivable to evaluate the scholarly vocation of European and Asian CEOs (see table 1); this has unquestionably been unfavorable to the 

advanced education foundations of those landmasses. 

Table 1: Geographical circulation of CEOs whose advanced education profession has not been recognized. 

This system has made it conceivable to honor 454.17 focuses to 377 advanced education foundations (the same number of organizations added to the preparation of a few CEOs). A 

definite rundown of these 377 organizations is to be found in extension to passage 7 of this study. 

It might be valuable to look at the outcomes (passage 7) on a gathering premise as, for a given establishment, the preparation gave to a CEO, whether pretty much supplementary, 

can have an extremely solid effect on his/her positioning. Table 2 in this manner shows the dissemination of establishments as indicated by the "comparable number" of prepared CEOs. 

Remark: The very idea of grouping might turn out to be basically unimportant past the 62nd positioning as all things considered the foundations have prepared not exactly the 

likeness 2 CEOs. 

Table 5: Classification as per nation of the quantity of establishments having prepared what might as well be called 2 or more CEOs (Top 62). 

Nations can in this manner be grouped by number of focuses or variable acquired by their advanced education organizations (table 6 – sections 1 to 3). 

In South Korea, Seoul National University scored 6.17 focuses; Sungkyunkwan University scored 1.25; Hanyang University and Yansei University each scored 1 point; Korea 

College scored 0.92; the aggregate number of focuses in this manner positions South Korea in ninth position among the nations with a sum of 10.33 focuses (as the figures have 

been gathered together or down). 

Nonetheless, it is entirely clear that the consequences of a nation are unequivocally connected to the quantity of organizations of that nation spoke to in Fortune Global 500 

seeing that, as a rule, the organizations are overseen by administrators who have finished the vast majority of their advanced education in their nation of starting point. 

The USA, which has 153 organizations among the 500 pioneers, is unmistakably special in this grouping as indicated by nation. 

It might along these lines be advantageous to look at the focuses really acquired by a nation (got by "its" foundations) with those, of a hypothetical nature, which it 

should have gotten if the CEOs of the majority of "its" organizations had been prepared solely in "its" colleges. This correlation ought to give us a sign of 

the appeal and importance of the advanced education courses offered by every nation (does it just prepare the CEOs of the nation's organizations? does it add to 

the preparation of the CEOs of organizations in different nations? do the CEOs of its organizations look for preparing in different nations?). 

Making note of the 31 scholastic vocations not represented, 7 scholarly professions incompletely recorded and 12 "self-educated" CEOs, it was on the premise of 454.17 focuses honored 

by the 500 arranged organizations that it was conceivable to decide the hypothetical focuses for every nation. Because of this it was conceivable to build up a proportion between 

"gotten focuses" and "hypothetical focuses" for every nation. The outcomes are exhibited in the last a portion of table 6 (sections 4 and 5). 

With the past illustration, it was watched that South Korea had an aggregate score of 10.33 focuses. In purpose of reality, 14 out of the 15 Korean organizations characterized among the 

driving 500 were represented. In the event that the 14 CEOs of these organizations had all been prepared in Korea, the nation ought to have an aggregate number of focuses – hypothetical focuses 

– of 14. The proportion in the middle of "genuine" and "hypothetical" focuses for Korea is in this manner of 0.74 (i.e. 10.33/14), considerably underneath 1, which implies that the Korean CEOs 

acquired all things considered a quarter of their advanced education recognitions in different nations. 

Remark: Examination of this table can likewise demonstrate that, with the prominent special case of South Africa, Austria and Ireland (which have added to preparing some more 

Presidents than they have organizations among the 500 pioneers), the contrasts between nations are not as extraordinary; the proportion of the USA, specifically, which is just 1.15, 

relativizes the prevalence of its preparation foundations. France's proportion surpasses 1. 



Complete focuses got by the colleges of the nation 

Complete focuses granted by the organizations of the nation 

Proportion of (genuine) 

guides acquired toward (hypothetical) focuses grantedEstablished in Paris in 1895, Le Cordon Bleu is considered today the biggest system of culinary and neighborliness schools on the planet with more than 50 schools in 20 nations and 20,000 understudies of more than 90 nationalities are prepared each year. Le Cordon Bleu consolidates development and inventiveness with custom through its endorsements, recognitions and lone wolves and expert degrees, incorporating an online degree in gastronomic tourism. 

Le Cordon Bleu is an incredibly famous system of instructive organizations committed to giving the largest amount of culinary and accommodation direction through world class programs. 

Le Cordon Bleu keeps on combining so as to advance development and innovativeness with custom through the foundation of Bachelor's and Master's degrees in business that attention on the requests of a developing universal neighborliness industry. 

Through our universal staff of Master Chefs and industry experts, Le Cordon Bleu applies its unmistakable showing strategy where understudies pick up experience through hands-on learning. 

Le Cordon Bleu is thought to be the watchman of French culinary strategy through its culinary projects that keep on protecting and go on the authority and valuation for the culinary expressions that have been the foundation of French gastronomy for more than 500 years. 

Throughout the most recent century Le Cordon Bleu has seen altering change as we have developed from a Parisian cooking school to a worldwide system of culinary expressions and cordiality establishments. Our rationality of accomplishing fabulousness through consistent practice and refinement continues as before, even as we develop to address the issues of the contemporary culinary and cordiality commercial enterprises. 

In under one year, it is conceivable to acquire Le Grand Diplôme Le Cordon Bleu, which is perceived worldwide by culinary experts; it is the global visa to a remunerating and satisfying profession. At Le Cordon Bleu, we perceive that our understudies require a prevalent, balanced instruction keeping in mind the end goal to succeed in today's focused world and we give them the apparatuses to exceed expectations in less time than most other instructive foundations. 

While our principle center at Le Cordon Bleu is advanced education, we have taken exceptional enthusiasm for people in general domain also. We offer numerous fine eateries and additionally various pastry kitchens and cafés under the Le Cordon Bleu trademark. Also, we have extended our exercises to incorporate different instructive media, for example, culinary productions, instructional recordings, TV arrangement, cooking gear and a great deal more. Besides, Le Cordon Bleu is regularly asked for as an admonitory specialist and is requested that take part in more than 50 worldwide occasions, sharing our skill around the world. Our advantaged organizations and enunciation concurrences with different governments, colleges and culinary affiliations have permitted us to advance French Art de Vivre around the world. 


For over a century, Le Cordon Bleu has empowered trying culinary experts to transform their desire into reality. Albeit numerous Le Cordon Bleu understudies as of now have some culinary experience, a huge number originate from different scholastic controls and expert foundations. Some are hoping to begin another profession, and others are hoping to consolidate their hobbies or development in their present occupation. Our understudies make progress toward effective professions in a wide assortment of fields, including eatery kitchens, providing food, eatery and lodging administration, news-casting, counseling, nourishment administration, sustenance styling, and instruction. 

La Boutique 

La Boutique offers an expansive scope of the best quality items chose by Le Cordon Bleu Chefs. These items will please everybody, from the intermittent taste-analyzer to the accomplished luxurious gourmet. We offer instructive books and recordings, fine kitchenware and an assortment of sustenance items which mirror the flavor and development of the French Art de Vivre. Share your energy for good nourishment and fine living with Le Cordon Bleu! 

The focuses granted to every foundation for the greater part of the 500 CEOs are then included, in order to arrange the scope of establishments having added to the graduate 

preparing of one or a few CEOs of the 500 organizations recorded by Fortune Global 500. 

The University of Karlsruhe got 1½ guides thanks to a limited extent toward the CEO of Robert Boasch, Franz Fehrenbach (1 point) and, also, to the CEO of Daimler Chrysler, 

Weight watcher Zetsche (½ point). 

Examination of results 

In 2008, the 500 organizations of Fortune Global 500 were controlled by 506 individuals (six organizations had two pioneers). We could get data on the advanced education 

vocation of 475 of the 506 CEOs. For the other 31 (i.e. 6.1% of the aggregate number), it was impractical to reconstitute any part of their scholarly vocation. For seven 

Presidents, the evaluation was just incomplete. In conclusion, 12 CEOs had not sought after any advanced education concentrates on. The aftereffects of this scholastic profession profile are recorded in point of interest 

under section 6. 

This year, at the end of the day, it has not been conceivable to evaluate the scholarly vocation of European and Asian CEOs (see table 1); this has unquestionably been unfavorable to the 

advanced education foundations of those landmasses. 

Table 1: Geographical circulation of CEOs whose advanced education profession has not been recognized. 

This system has made it conceivable to honor 454.17 focuses to 377 advanced education foundations (the same number of organizations added to the preparation of a few CEOs). A 

definite rundown of these 377 organizations is to be found in extension to passage 7 of this study. 

It might be valuable to look at the outcomes (passage 7) on a gathering premise as, for a given establishment, the preparation gave to a CEO, whether pretty much supplementary, 

can have an extremely solid effect on his/her positioning. Table 2 in this manner shows the dissemination of establishments as indicated by the "comparable number" of prepared CEOs. 

Remark: The very idea of grouping might turn out to be basically unimportant past the 62nd positioning as all things considered the foundations have prepared not exactly the 

likeness 2 CEOs. 

Table 5: Classification as per nation of the quantity of establishments having prepared what might as well be called 2 or more CEOs (Top 62). 

Nations can in this manner be grouped by number of focuses or variable acquired by their advanced education organizations (table 6 – sections 1 to 3). 

In South Korea, Seoul National University scored 6.17 focuses; Sungkyunkwan University scored 1.25; Hanyang University and Yansei University each scored 1 point; Korea 

College scored 0.92; the aggregate number of focuses in this manner positions South Korea in ninth position among the nations with a sum of 10.33 focuses (as the figures have 

been gathered together or down). 

Nonetheless, it is entirely clear that the consequences of a nation are unequivocally connected to the quantity of organizations of that nation spoke to in Fortune Global 500 

seeing that, as a rule, the organizations are overseen by administrators who have finished the vast majority of their advanced education in their nation of starting point. 

The USA, which has 153 organizations among the 500 pioneers, is unmistakably special in this grouping as indicated by nation. 

It might along these lines be advantageous to look at the focuses really acquired by a nation (got by "its" foundations) with those, of a hypothetical nature, which it 

should have gotten if the CEOs of the majority of "its" organizations had been prepared solely in "its" colleges. This correlation ought to give us a sign of 

the appeal and importance of the advanced education courses offered by every nation (does it just prepare the CEOs of the nation's organizations? does it add to 

the preparation of the CEOs of organizations in different nations? do the CEOs of its organizations look for preparing in different nations?). 

Making note of the 31 scholastic vocations not represented, 7 scholarly professions incompletely recorded and 12 "self-educated" CEOs, it was on the premise of 454.17 focuses honored 

by the 500 arranged organizations that it was conceivable to decide the hypothetical focuses for every nation. Because of this it was conceivable to build up a proportion between 

"gotten focuses" and "hypothetical focuses" for every nation. The outcomes are exhibited in the last a portion of table 6 (sections 4 and 5). 

With the past illustration, it was watched that South Korea had an aggregate score of 10.33 focuses. In purpose of reality, 14 out of the 15 Korean organizations characterized among the 

driving 500 were represented. In the event that the 14 CEOs of these organizations had all been prepared in Korea, the nation ought to have an aggregate number of focuses – hypothetical focuses 

– of 14. The proportion in the middle of "genuine" and "hypothetical" focuses for Korea is in this manner of 0.74 (i.e. 10.33/14), considerably underneath 1, which implies that the Korean CEOs 

acquired all things considered a quarter of their advanced education recognitions in different nations. 

Remark: Examination of this table can likewise demonstrate that, with the prominent special case of South Africa, Austria and Ireland (which have added to preparing some more 

Presidents than they have organizations among the 500 pioneers), the contrasts between nations are not as extraordinary; the proportion of the USA, specifically, which is just 1.15, 

relativizes the prevalence of its preparation foundations. France's proportion surpasses 1. 



Complete focuses got by the colleges of the nation 

Complete focuses granted by the organizations of the nation 

Proportion of (genuine) 

guides acquired toward (hypothetical) focuses granted

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