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Monday 28 March 2016

Paris Descartes University

Paris Descartes University is the college of human and wellbeing sciences of Paris 

With its nine Training and research divisions (UFR) and its Institute of Technology (IUT), Paris Descartes University incorporates every one of the fields of learning of human and wellbeing sciences. It is the main college of the Ile-de-France area to offer medicinal, pharmaceutical and odontological ponders; its wellbeing office is prestigious in Europe and in the entire world for the high caliber of its preparation and the magnificence of its exploration. 

Other than its multidisciplinary scholarly instructing and its extraordinary examination, Paris Descartes University is well known for the abundance of its history and property holding. 

Its history begins like that of all French colleges with its creation inside of the structure of Edgar Faure enactment. As years passed by, different resources (UFR) were added to the first restorative staff. 

The University respects the overall population on National Heritage Days (journées du Patrimoine), and the Musée d'Histoire de la médecine is open for the overall population lasting through the year. 

It was set from the earliest starting point under the support of the logician René Descartes and is interested in every scholarly subject. 

Preferences : 

Building your way 

Inside of a way you can pick between various elective and discretionary modules.These decisions will continuously decide your specialization.Your scholarly program will be all the more individual relying upon the work situation you pick, whether you choose to study one semester abroad or in another French college. 

Utilizing portals 

Understudies from IUT(Institut Universitaire de Technologie=University Technology Institutes)can enlist in the License educational modules, Students having finished their second year of License (L2) might choose to pick a permit with a "professional "introduction. After your first year of Master courses (M1) you might choose to settle on a Master's degree with a professional or examination introduction. 

Concentrate abroad : 

The European LMD framework will advance internal and outward versatility amid scholastic studies.Each french understudy will have the capacity to concentrate abroad for one or a few semesters and European understudies will have the capacity to approve one or a few study semesters in a French college. 

Adapting in an unexpected way 

Each permit educational modules incorporates some preparation to the utilization and order of scholarly specialized devices: outside dialects, narrative exploration strategies, office instruments. Individual work is advanced : the quantity of courses is decreased however compensated for by individual guided work. New data advancements are deliberately utilized: expanding courses are put on line, offer work is conceivable in the middle of instructors and understudies and among understudies because of the intranet. 

A subsequent customized to your individual needs is done up and down the educational programs to offer you to pick your way some assistance with depending on your expert desires. 

Significance of work arrangements 

Work arrangements in companies(in France or abroad) are a genuine increased the value of your scholarly program first and afterward on your CV. 

To discover a work position all together ro professionalize your scholastic program or procure a first work experience sign into the Digital Work Environment (ENT) on the intranet of our University . 

Shouldn't something be said about University Technological Diplomas (DUT)? 

They are presently part of the LMD system.During the main year you will chip away at the elaboration of your future expert project.During the second year you will pick reciprocal modules to enhance the aptitudes vital for a superior expert incorporation or to get ready for a License with a professional introduction or to help you to embrace long haul studies(Engineering or business colleges, L3 took after by Master's degrees...). 

Wellbeing studies(medicine, drug store, odontology, maternity care) 

MINES ParisTech has picked four vital needs in its improvement program: 

Association of the Fundraising Campaign 

MINES ParisTech is permitted to raise charge absolved assets because of the Mines ParisTech Foundation which appreciates beneficent status. The Foundation is responsible for the authoritative treatment of endowments and is included in sorting out the crusade. 

The needs of the crusade are settled on by a board advisory group involving individuals from the School, individuals from the Foundation, agents of the Alumni, and the battle staff made up of raising money authorities. 

The understudies 

MINES ParisTech understudies show awesome quality included profiles as future pioneers. Their scholarly preparing and extracurricular exercises in the School encourage their double profile of architect and supervisor. 

MINES ParisTech goes for respecting the best understudies everywhere throughout the world, paying little respect to nationality or budgetary circumstances. We trust that this assorted qualities is of advantage to our School and to society overall. 

Offering our understudies some assistance with being a center need for the School and must be supported by commitments of a magnanimous nature. 


Everybody at MINES ParisTech ought to have some global experience! It is imperative that the School keep up its position on the universal and national scene. 

MINES ParisTech offers particular instructive and examination programs which ought to advantage the finest personalities around the world. It is additionally vital to pull in the best scholastics keeping in mind the end goal to upgrade the incredibleness of our showing projects and research. 

Global trades and collaboration are at the front line of the School's vision without bounds. 

The examination 

Research at MINES ParisTech is centered around the more prominent advantage of our commercial ventures, general learning and a superior comprehension of society. The School is committed to presenting steady upgrades inside of its chronicled specialities, for example, transport, vitality and materials sciences. 

MINES ParisTech is presently adding to its extensive examination limits in high-need fields, for example, nature, wellbeing sciences, mechanical security and CO2 diminishment. 

The School must reinforce its position and expand its endeavors as a universal examination pioneer in a setting of ever-more noteworthy rivalry. 

The grounds 

By favorable luck, MINES ParisTech is situated in the heart of the Latin Quarter of Paris where all the main French schools and colleges were conceived. The School profits by a favored study environment in the region of significant organizations and modern central command, social and diversion venues and national and global transport offices. 

MINES ParisTech is likewise extremely glad for its foundation and offices which incorporate its eighteenth century structures; the library, lavishly supplied with specialized writing and an accumulation of old archives; a mineralogical exhibition hall, one of the four biggest on the planet; an understudy corridor of living arrangement; and present day research focuses with front line innovation. 

All these framework and offices, a noteworthy chronicled legacy, require steady care and enhancements so as to give the best study and research environment. 


On account of the commitments from altruists and mechanical sponsorships, MINES ParisTech has as of now advanced its attempts in its four key needs. 


The worldwide methodology is at the cutting edge of the School's vision without bounds: organizations, grants, multiculturalist programmes...MINES ParisTech joins in 150 collaboration programs with colleges all through the world that are pioneers in their fields. These associations give incredible chances to revelations, multiculturalism and exploratory trades. 

30% of our understudies originate from 50 unique nations. Inside of the setting of global rivalry to draw in the most gifted understudies, MINES ParisTech must offer a grant bundle adjusted to each remote understudy who will likewise pick their destination on that premise. This incorporates inviting bolster, educational cost in French, coordination excursions and settlement. In this way, because of the crusade, we can cover 100% of our remote understudies' needs in grants, subsequently improving the School's universal improvement. 

Meeting of Farah Amro, recipient of a Zaleski Foundation grant: 

What do you consider MINES ParisTech as an outside understudy? 

The establishment empowers me to secure a close professional preparing. 

What does the concede you got from the Mines ParisTech Fondation intend to you? 

It is the main route for me to secure this preparation in France, without the Foundation's money related help, I would not have the capacity to come and study in France. 

It is a gigantic opportunity to have the capacity to learn at Mines ParisTech. Its general instructive and its polished methodology degree courses offer me loads of chances for what's to come. 

The exploration 

The School must reinforce its position as a worldwide examination pioneer: the best scholastics, forefront innovation... 

MINES ParisTech partakes in investigative rivalries around the world. Case in point, a School group is supported by our promoters in the M.I.T. IGEM challenge. The International Genetically Engineered Machines challenge on prizes the production of biosynthetic frameworks. Christophe Chabbert, understudy at MINES ParisTech, joins in the Parisian multidisciplinary group on account of a Foundation stipend. It is imperative that the School gets included in such a creative investigative exploration.

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